Oath of Dioscorides

Oath of Dioscorides

Oath of Dioscorides

I make a solemn oath in front of my loving family and friends that I will dedicate my life to humanity as a professional in pharmacy.

One, from this moment on, I will live for the welfare and happiness of suffering humanity.


One, I respect all life and will never allow any life to be neglected.


One, I will always do my best to promote human welfare using all my knowledge and abilities.


One, I will continue to develop my professional abilities in pharmacy and will always strive to demonstrate my best capabilities.


One, I will strictly comply with all laws and regulations related to pharmacy and comply with all legal systems for the public interest.


One, I will follow the highest moral standards under any circumstances.


One, I fully understand my responsibilities and obligations as a pharmacy professional, and based on this, I solemnly swear that I will voluntarily perform all of these provisions.

[Reference] Dioscorides, the father of modern pharmacy


Around AD 50-70, Pedanium Dioscorides published a complete pharmacology book containing more than 600 types of plants, 35 types of animal drugs, and 90 types of mineral drugs. He collected and recorded a large amount of the knowledge he had acquired in Africa, France, Persia, Armenia, and Egypt. The contents include the herbal medicine’s habitat, botanical description, performance and action form, medicinal use and side effects, and drug administration dosage, as well as the harvesting period, storage method, mixing method, mixing method, animal medicine, narcotic, and non-therapeutic medicine. The production locations of herbs and herbs are also included.

It is said that he not only used a rational and empirical approach to drugs, but also had a critical attitude. His drug classification was based on assumed physiological effects and had a great influence on modern plant naming.

Dioscorides’ translation of pharmacology was used in Greece, Latin, and Arabic for two centuries, and over a period of 512 years, the book ‘Materia Medica’, which covered all drugs and organized them in alphabetical order, was published. With the development of printing technology, numerous translations were produced starting in 1478, and as many as 35 types of translations and commentaries were published by 1544, and he is evaluated as the person who provided the basis for the Western pharmacopoeia.


Oath of Dioscorides is an oath in which pharmacy school students pledge to live as pharmacists in the future.